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sacred field blending

Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio Ph.D. 

Want to Prepare, Protect & Engage your Personal Morphogenetic Fields?

During this Sacred Field Blending course with Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, participants will learn Base-12 scalar energy techniques & methods for Sacred Field Blending.

Sacred Field Blending as experienced in the Base-12 Ka-ma SU-tara Teachings expands our consciousness, thereby deepening our Cosmic Bond and assisting us to reach the states of “Consciousness-Unity”.


Even when not field blending however, the Ka-ma SU-tara Teachings involve ‘making Love’ with Source through generating Source River Frequencies, which can be shared with all humanity.

Introduction to Sacred Field Blending

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About Dr. Jere Rivera- Dugenio

Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. is an inventor, and quantum morphogenetic physicist with a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine from the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii.


Jere specializes in advanced scalar-plasma energy technologies, quantum morphogenetic field physics, and the larger paradigm of science known as the 15-Dimensional Unified Field Physics. 

 Dr. Jere is the creator and inventor of The RASHA™ technology,  president of The GC Rivera Foundation, a non-profit medical-surgical-autism organization,  as well as the founder of The BioRegenesis Experience. 

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6625 S. Valley View Blvd.


Las Vegas, NV 89118

No Medical Claims are Expressed or Implied.
All content on this site is informational and is not intended to substitute Professional Medical, Surgical or Psychiatric Care.

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